”Don Henley's song 'The Boys of Summer' is about the passage of time, lost love, and the bittersweet end of summer. The song's lyrics evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing for a past relationship."
'"The song was inspired initially about an emotional ordeal Plumb had in high school. She explained to New Release Tuesday: 'I was taken back to a place where I struggled with anxiety, and I still have that struggle.'"
'"Jewel's song 'Absence of Fear' is about the power of small decisions and the importance of standing up to what holds you back."
"Pat Benatar's song 'One Love' is about the struggles of people in Africa and the importance of unity. The song also conveys the idea that one love can shine over everyone and lead people to higher ground."
"The Indigo Girls' song 'Galileo' is about reincarnation and the search for truth, and is told through the lens of Galileo Galilei. The song is often played at the end of concerts."
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Email T.J. Christoff: tjchristoff1965@gmail.com