Matthew McConaughey...
"Always play like an underdog" - Matthew McConaughey
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Tom Hanks - Commencement Speech...
"Tom Hanks delivers a compelling commencement address at Harvard University's 372nd graduation ceremony."
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Will Smith - Fault vs. Responsibility...
"This speech is about taking responsibility for your happiness and your life situation. When you blame others, you give away your power and you become a victim who is effectively inviting bad things to happen to you. But when you take responsibility, you now have the power to take charge, take control, and create a better life for yourself."
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Deepak Chopra...
"As a global leader and pioneer in the field of mind-body medicine, Chopra transforms the way the world views physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social wellness."
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Deepak Chopra...
"Use this trick to be more present."
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Dr. Joe Dispenza...
"Are you feeling weighed down by the burdens of your past, your fears, and your limiting beliefs? Do you find yourself clinging to things that no longer serve you, unable to let go and move forward? If so, this video is for you. In this powerful and transformative talk, we dive deep into..." ― Dr. Joe Dispenza
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Dr. Joe Dispenza...
"When you think from your past memories, you can only create past experiences. As all of the “knowns” in your life cause your brain to think and feel in familiar ways, thus creating knowable outcomes, you continually reaffirm your life as you know it. And since your brain is equal to your environment, then each morning, your senses plug you into the same reality and initiate the same stream of consciousness." ― Dr. Joe Dispenza
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Will Smith...
"Will Smith - This is My Best Life Advice"...
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Admiral William H. McRaven...
"US Navy Admiral William H. McRaven, one of the most decorated US commanders, delivers one of the best motivational speeches you will ever hear."
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Dr. Wayne Dyer - The Shift...
"The Shift is about the shift that takes place within us when we choose to live our lives with meaning, rather than being focused on attaining specific goals before we can be happy. The storyline follows three different groups of people all gathered at the Asilomar Resort in Monterey, California; a married couple who seemed to have lost their spark and gotten caught up in a materialistic lifestyle, a devoted wife and mother who seems to have stifled her creative urge in order to please her family, and the camera crew who is filming Dr. Dyer for a documentary.
The interview with Dr. Dyer is the backdrop for the whole movie, and weaves through the lives of the two other families, along with the film crew, who find Dr. Dyer’s message very thought-provoking.
“The real purpose of life is just to be happy, to enjoy your life. To get to a place where you’re not always trying to get someplace else. So many people spend their lives striving, trying to be someplace else that they’re not. They never get to arrive.” Dr. Dyer."
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Dr. Wayne Dyer...
"Lessons To Live By - 10 Principles"
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Dr. Wayne Dyer...
"Lessons To Live By - 5 Principles"
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Matthew McConaughey...
"Matthew McConaughey - The Speech that Broke the Internet"
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Maya Angelou..
"Maya Angelou - Stay Alive"
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Tom Hanks...
"Tom Hanks - This is My Best Life Advice"
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Denzel Washington...
"Denzel Washington - Don’t React, Cut Them Off Silently” – 2025"
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Denzel Washington...
"Denzel Washington - Motivational Video - 2023"
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There's Nothing to do but Let Go...
"Jim Carrey's powerful speech will leave you speechless as he discusses spirituality, depression, and letting go. One of the most inspiring speeches you'll hear"
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Jim Carrey...
"Jim Carrey Commencement Speech Highlights - 2014"
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