I feel you often
It happened the other morning as I was driving
The feeling presented as a warm, persistent knowing
I’ve felt you many other times as well
The feelings show up when least expected
Yet I’ve no doubt they’re an extension of your soul, touching mine
They arrive at times like gentle, unexpected whispers
A longed-for breath of fresh air
Stimulating and awakening my senses
At other times
They are almost overwhelming
Breathtakingly intense
I feel you often
And I am intentional, with my energy in return
Often, I send positive, loving, and healing energy back to you
I think I can hear your thoughts
As the gentleness of your voice alights upon a breeze
I talk aloud occasionally
Longing to share certain thoughts with you
I desire to share love, affection, and joy with you always
I feel you often
Your energy is beautifully radiant
Your soul is fueled by passion
Thoughts of you
Are never far from me
And I want to feel you often
By: T.J. Christoff ©
0156 hrs.
People will underestimate your worth
They’ll take advantage of you, too
Life’s just crazy like that
You’ll try your best to win the prize
Just to find you’ve fallen short
Life’s just crazy like that
There will be aches and pains and emotional hurt
Remedies that initially make them feel worse
Life’s just crazy like that
You’ll choose to trust another
Only to find that trust has been betrayed
Life’s just crazy like that
You’ll give your heart to another
Only to have it trampled on and broken
Life’s just crazy like that
You may never want to trust again
You may want to hide your heart forever
Life’s just crazy like that
But sometimes
Good fortune and blessings will be on your side
You’ll finally win the prize
Life’s just crazy like that
Joy will finally fill you up again
You will know happiness in abundance
Life’s just crazy like that
You will find your heart will begin to trust again
Your soul will recognize when the time is truly right
And life’s just crazy like that, too
By: T.J. Christoff ©
1550 hrs.
What do you find funny
What brings you laughter
What fills your heart with joy
What moves you to laugh out loud
Even if no one else does
Where do you find your funny
What puts a giggle in your box
A pep in your step
Has you wanting to leap, instead of walk
What gets you laughing so hard
A chuckle turns into a snort
Where do you find your funny
What puts a smile on your face
Have you grown your laugh lines yet
What do you find funny
What cracks you up so much
Bringing joyful tears to your eyes
Yet you just can’t seem to quit laughing
What gets you laughing so hard
You find it difficult to breathe
And your sides hurt a bit
Life can be challenging
A serious mess
So don’t be afraid to find your funny
By: T.J. Christoff ©
1302 hrs.
You know, Dad
It’s easy to get stuck
On things that leave you feeling sad
So, I wanted to let you know
I forgive you; I love you
And I know things weren’t always bad
Hey there, Mom!
Just wanted to include you too
I believe you had strength you never knew
Mom, the lessons you taught
Were often painful for me
But I’ve learned that the value in lessons are never free
Mom! Dad!
Did you know there was a time
When I hated you both?
So tell me why now
Upon my tears
Do I feel myself choke?
Dad, you left several years ago
The way you would pass
I could not have possibly known
Hey Mom! I haven’t forgotten you!
How fast time could fly after your demise
Was something I too could never have realized
I miss you both
I hold love for you too
And I know we will meet again
But until we do
In the end I want to thank you
For having let my life begin
By: T.J. Christoff ©
For: Mom and Dad
0030 hrs.
Private Collection
I feel like I get you
And like you get me
We see things about each other
That others can’t see
You stay on my mind
You dance in my heart
I feel your presence
Even though we’re apart
I sense your gentleness
Yet I’ve never known your touch
Though I’ve imagined it often
And longed for it much
Your sensitive nature
Such an endearing trait
It draws me in
How long must I wait
I ache at times
Wanting to get the words out
Instead of penning them down
I just want to shout!
To be able to tell you
And knowing that you want to hear
My words as they’re spoken
“I love you, my dear”
By: T.J. Christoff ©
For: You
2318 hrs.
Every time I see you
Each time I hear your sultry voice
I’m grateful that I changed my mind
Grateful I made a different choice
Every time I laugh with you
Or we have a serious chat
I don’t have to look for my heart
Because attached to yours, is where mine’s at
Our humor is playfully compatible
In a very fulfilling way
Oh, what I wouldn’t give
To be able to laugh with you, each and every day
I’ve caught some Freudian slips
Some unintentional things you’ve shared
Yet I can’t help but wonder
If those words were actually chosen with care
It’s hard for me to believe
For a while I’d planned not to return
I’d felt my soul had seen enough
That it had learned all it needed to learn
But I knew I’d keep coming back
That there was nothing I wouldn’t do
The moment that I realized
I’d walk through fire for you!
By: T.J. Christoff ©
For: You
1922 hrs.
There has been a noticeable shift
Head hurts, neck too
I'm processing my process
Wearing it, just the way I always do
Joyful laughter wanes in force
Gentler thoughts are waxing strong
Lengthy, silent monologue begins
Questioning "what" if anything I got wrong
Words long since spoken
Be they wrong or right
Firing squad of liquid bullets
Zeroed in on many pillows tonight
I had good intentions
There were ethics to consider and more
I contemplate the results again
While discerning the process as before
What is to be done
When nothing seems to remain
Hold tight to the lessons
For within each will hold the gains
On difficult days like these
You'll find I've taken to the sky
Where everything seems much clearer
As witnessed from the view of a Bluebird's eye
By: T.J. Christoff ©
For: All who have ever felt their efforts fall short.
0302 hrs.
Personal Collection
There is a bright, yellow floaty
In the middle of the sea
Of which I lay calmly upon
There's plenty of room there for me
The sea's darkest black
She's lost her sweet blue hue
With mighty waves to propel us about
Through crashing waves, I hear something new
At first a single voice
Now suddenly there are two
As I look around there are bodies abound
With screaming voices quite a few
Flailing arms cast overhead
They're human bobbers full of dread
They seek relief from chaos sown
With flailing arms, they create their own
Upon noticing my floaty
They try to swim up fast
But I choose to remain calm
As I watch them flail right past
They were much too busy
Being consumed by rampant thoughts
Of the worry and the chaos
That has gotten them so lost
But I will keep on watching
And with time as they tire a bit
Me and my bright yellow floaty
Will make a safe place where they can sit
I'll help them climb on up
Being sure to leave sharks behind
Showing each as they come aboard
True love and how to be kind
And there will be a special place
Reserved on my floaty for you
As you are the kindest soul I know
And I trust you'll get through this, too!
By: T.J. Christoff ©
For: You
0348 hrs.
You inspire me
You move me
Without your knowing
I feel you
I sense you
Without my trying
I think of you
Words spring forth
I keep writing
There's no stopping
No holding back
There's no denying
Sometimes there's laughter
Sometimes there's reflection
Sometimes there's crying
Words of hope
Scenes from dreams
But never lying
You inspire truth
Joy and laughter
Want for loving
You move me
Without your knowing
You are inspiring
By: T.J. Christoff ©
For: You
1656 hrs.
I'm so in love with you
I want you
I want to tell you...
I want to say the words out loud
I care so deeply for you
I desire you
I want to hold you
I want to say the words out loud
My thoughts are often of you
I miss you
I want to see you
I want to say the words out loud
I want to hold YOUR hands
To feel you
I long to touch you
I want to say the words out loud
I want to kiss you often
Taste your lips
I have fantasized about you
I want to say the words out loud
I want to know your dreams
Travel them too
I often dream of you
I want to say the words out loud
I want to be with you
Explore with you
Share momentous times with you
I want to say the words out loud
By: T.J. Christoff ©
For: You
0833 hrs.
I picture you sometimes
Resting so sweetly
Breathing ever so softly
I imagine your dreams
Children are playing
Joyful laughter rings out
There's a large blanket
Cucumber sandwiches awaiting
Snickers bars a few
Fire ants are crawling
But only three
Or less, maybe two
I spy acorns
Hats on tight
Your blanket they've found
The sun is shining
Clouds are out
Yet you find rainbows
What's that I see
Could it be
A dill for me?!
I see the dogs
They're running free
Love fills these scenes
I imagine your dreams
Your soulful beauty
As I drift asleep
By: T.J. Christoff ©
For: You
0617 hrs.
It’s never easy
When their time runs short
The memories flood my mind
It’s never easy
When their time runs short
Wondering if I could have been more kind
It’s never easy
When their time runs short
Hoping I treated them well
It’s never easy
When their time runs short
Knowing their sight has begun to fail
It’s never easy
When their time runs short
Wishing together we could have more
It’s never easy
When their time runs short
It passes much faster than ever before
It’s never easy
When their time runs short
I dread feeling bereft
It’s never easy
When their time runs short
Wishing there were more time left
It’s never easy
When their time runs short
As I feel the heartache start
It’s never easy
When their time runs short
Knowing soon they’ll have to part
By: T.J. Christoff ©
For: Travesura “Trave” Mae
1838 hrs.
Personal Collection
How could I not
Think about you
Desire you
How could I not
Long for you
Want you
How could I not
Laugh with you
Enjoy you
How could I not
Cry with you
Embrace you
How could I not
Dream of you
Trust you
How could I not
Connect with you
Feel you
How could I not
Muse about you
Adore you
How could I not
Look at you
See you
How could I not
Be with you
Miss you
How could I not
Love you
Why wouldn’t I want to?
By: T.J. Christoff ©
For: You
1049 hrs.
I see you; I see you there
The heavy weight
That you bear
I see the sadness
That fills your eyes
I hear the agony of your cries
I see you; I see you there
The look of emptiness
That you wear
As you fear being, and are displaced
Believing there is no one to care
Know that I feel your despair
I see you; I see you there
Among this human race
Seemingly being given no grace
Worried and scared
Broken and blue
Not knowing what to do
I see you; I see you there
Wanting to hold out hope
Yet wondering should you dare
Know that you have been seen
You are not on your own
You do not stand alone
Know that I see you
I see you there
I see you!
By: T. J. Christoff ©
1854 hrs.
I fight to keep my peace
Such a contradiction that does seem
Screw-faced as I sit aghast
Confused by what it all means
I fight to keep my peace
As I watch sanity slip away
I used to notice it only once in a while
Now I witness it multiple times each day
I fight to keep my peace
Reminding myself to relax and breathe
Just to find I’m quickly reminded
Of that which is hard to conceive
I fight to keep my peace
To remain a positive force
Staying focused on my purpose here
My soul reminds me to stay the course
I fight to keep my peace
I wonder what the lessons could be
Knowing they’re meant for everyone
They weren’t just chosen for me
I fight to keep my peace
Understanding this is part of my lot
I won’t fret about the future
For right now is all I’ve got
By: T. J. Christoff ©
1204 hrs.
I’m glad I got to know you
If only for a while
I’m glad I got to hear your voice
I’m glad I got to know your smile
I’m glad I got to look into
Your eyes of darkest brown
I’m glad I got to laugh with you
And share moments without sound
I’m glad I got to learn from you
Lessons both big and small
I treasure each experience
In my heart I hold them all
I’m glad for every single word
I’ve ever heard you speak
The way you pose your questions
How you’re able to get me to think
I’m glad for every moment
In this lifetime that I’ve known you
But if I had it to do all over again
This is what differently, I would do
I’d find you much, much sooner
I would not allow delay
For there’s many things I’d want to do with you
Making lots of time for play
We would always tell the truth
Even when telling the truth might hurt
Talking through our differences
Learning what does and does not work
We’d share the joys of life
There’d be some sadness too
We’d love and support each other
Together there’s nothing we couldn’t get through
But that is not how it went this time
It seems that wasn’t meant to be
There’s so much we may never share
So much of each other we may never see
But I’m glad I got to know you
If in this lifetime for only a while
I’m glad I got to hear your voice
I’m glad I got to know your smile
By: T. J. Christoff ©
For: You
1328 hrs.
I don’t know when it happened
I’m not sure what I can do
But the world that I once lived in
No longer looks the way it used to
Some would say that’s a good thing
There are those that wanted this change
Yet as I observe all that’s unfolding
It feels so very deranged
People losing their jobs
For doing what they were hired to do
Criminals being pardoned
After assaulting the fabric of truth
Civil rights being violated
More and more every day
Humans gathered like animals
All dignity stripped away
Those of wealth and privilege
Their greed their driving force
They care not about humanity
For it is riches they value the most
As for me I’ll keep the faith
No, I will not lose my mind
As I search my soul for the lessons
I’ll hold out hope for all mankind
By: T. J. Christoff ©
1930 hrs.
If only I were an ostrich
I could bury my head in the sand
Never again would I have to think about
The atrocities throughout these lands
If only I had not eyes to see
The devastation that exists all around me
Never again would I witness the burning of trees
Perhaps then the anguish within my heart would leave
If only I had not ears to hear
The vile words spoken out of hate and fear
Never again would I shudder nor draw my own sneer
I would have abundant reason to laugh and smile
If only I were able to unknow what I know
Release some of the disgust that seems hard to let go
Never again judge another but with love continue to sow
Maybe then I could feel hope on the horizon
If only I knew what was expected of me
Beyond the obvious, “Be the best human you can be!”
Never again would I fret feeling there’s some war to be won
I would simply sigh and whisper, “Thy will be done”
By: T. J. Christoff ©
1000 hrs.
As I awake to start my day anew
I find my first thoughts are always of you
Slowly I reach and feel for you too
As I find myself lost in wishful thinking
The desire I have is to hold you close
Express how it's you that I love the most
To exchange tokens of love in daily dose
I long to feel your body gently touching mine
By now I'm certain you know how I feel
The desires I hold for you are real
They are not imaginal thoughts I steal
I brought them with me from the astral plane
I close my eyes as darkness settles back in
There in my mind I envision you once again
The sweet dimples of your face, and softness of skin
I inhale as I imagine the allure of your aroma
I long to gaze deeply into your dark eyes
Kissing you passionately for the first time by surprise
If only so you too might come to realize
Our connection is ethereal
To make love with you in physical form
Showing you how deeply you are both loved and adored
This is among the many things my soul longs for
As it awaits patiently to reunite with yours
By: T.J. Christoff ©
For: You
What happened to you
Where have you been
We had planned it all out
Sitting at Heaven's Bus Stop back then
Don't you recall
It's all so clear to me
The plans we had made
What we'd do once we'd arrived here, you see
I'd get here first
You'd follow close behind
We'd each explore different places
Living separate lives for a short time
Then soon we'd reunite
There'd be a familiar look in our eyes
An unspoken knowing
And with joy we'd both realize
The plan had unfolded perfectly
It would be time to carry on
We would explore this world together
Embracing both sorrows and fun
But it seems you were delayed
Your trip put on hold
You're now a young, beautiful, coupled soul
While I remain alone here, and old
The mixture of emotions
I now feel are long overdue
They tug hard at my heartstrings
For I'm still so in love with you
I feel sadness and joy
Loss, love, and gratitude
And in my soul I feel an emptiness
That seems can only be filled by knowing you
By: T.J. Christoff ©
For: You
I’d finally decided
I didn’t want to come back
Didn’t want to live another life
I’d finally decided
I’d had all I could take
Of feeling pain, sorrow, and strife
I’d finally decided
I didn’t want to come back
To a world of mayhem and hate
I’d finally decided
I was done making that trip
There’d be no more carrying ‘round of earthly weight
I’d finally decided
I didn’t want to come back
Not after seeing the things I’d seen
I’d finally decided
I’d experienced enough
Of humans being intentionally hurtful and mean
But I’ve since decided
I’ll keep coming back
I want to start my life anew
I’ve finally decided
I’ve a beautiful reason to come back
If only so I can know you
By: T.J. Christoff ©
For: You
I accept the pain
Though I choose not to suffer
In this life that I’m living
And all it’s had to offer
I take it all in
The hurt, anger, and angst
Holding my head high
Mindful of those I’m fighting against
Like a fanny pack of doom
Worn tight about my waist
Filled with the weight of my troubles
Longing for acceptance and grace
Despite all the struggles
All the loneliness I've faced
Like an armor-covered marshmallow
In this world I have a place
There’s a reason for me
Just as there is one for you
We all have our purpose
Things we came here to do
No one said it would be easy
Walking the path to my tomb
Or that it might include one day
Wearing a fanny pack of doom
But I will take every step
Embracing the journey I’m on
It is my destiny
Therefore, it cannot be wrong
I will learn every lesson
I’ve come here to learn
And at the end with much joy
That fanny pack will burn!
By: T.J. Christoff ©
Inspired By: You
My Achilles’ heel
I didn’t know was real
Or how I would one day feel
My Achilles’ heel
A bittersweet awareness
I fight for strength through weakness
My Achilles’ heel
Hidden from the start
Emotions reside deep within my heart
My Achilles’ heel
Though no ill will do you bode
‘tis my feelings for you I struggle to withhold
My Achilles’ heel
Sweet thoughts of you I embrace
While working to display sagaciousness of face
My Achilles’ heel
So oft’ I long to share with you
How deep my fondness for you runs true
My Achilles’ heel
I contemplate many of your words
While mine to you aloud remain unheard
My Achilles’ heel
I think of you as big hand turns
With so much about you I desire to learn
By: T.J. Christoff ©
For: You
I wear my heart
Upon my sleeve
With every poem that I pen
I wear my heart
Upon my sleeve
Feeling emotions that have no end
I wear my heart
Upon my sleeve
Expressing feelings both bad and good
I wear my heart
Upon my sleeve
Wouldn’t change it if I could
I wear my heart
Upon my sleeve
With every story that I tell
I wear my heart
Upon my sleeve
I know them all too well
I wear my heart
Upon my sleeve
Giving a glimpse inside of me
I wear my heart
Upon my sleeve
Sometimes I wonder what you see
I wear my heart
Upon my sleeve
Sharing the vulnerable parts with you
I wear my heart
Upon my sleeve
Not knowing what you might do
I wear my heart
Upon my sleeve
With courage and strength of spirit
I wear my heart
Upon my sleeve
I have not will to fear it
I wear my heart
Upon my sleeve
Been doing it most my life
I wear my heart
Upon my sleeve
Giving voice to pain and strife
I wear my heart
Upon my sleeve
A deeply sacred part of me
I wear my heart
Upon my sleeve
Perhaps someday I'll set it free
By: T.J. Christoff ©
Life's running on empty
Days are getting shorter
The desire to exist
A driving force hard to honor
Life's running on empty
Aches and pains I've a plenty
People I trust and truly love
Truth be told there aren't very many
Life's running on empty
Daily grind keeps on a grindin'
Happier days now long past
Fond memories I've trouble findin'
Life's running on empty
Tank of joy's gettin' low
The hands of life's turning faster
Perhaps it's nigh my time to go
Life's running on empty
What time will be mine
Whilst it's long since been written
Henceforth it shall not be denied
Life's running on empty
How many gallons have I to go
Will I coast across the finish line
Or floor it all the way home?
Life's running on empty
It happens to us all
We've no choice but to answer
When we get that final call
By: T. J. Christoff ©
For: Me
I think I'm just going to say it
Let the chips fall where they may
I think I'm just going to say the words
I'm going to put them out there today
I think I'm just going to express my feelings
No more holding them deep inside
I think I'm going to let them out
No longer lock them in my heart to reside
I think I'm going to say the words
That I've waited so long to say
I think I'm tired of holding them in
Yes, I think today is the day
I think you deserve to know the truth
You deserve to know what I feel
I think it's important you finally know
I want to always keep what's between us, real
I think you may already have guessed this
But guessing you should not have to do
When it comes to understanding the feelings
Another soul possesses for you
I think you may already feel it in your heart
It's okay if you don't feel the same for me too
But I think it's time you should know
I've fallen completely in love, with the soul that is you
By: T. J. Christoff ©
For: You
You are calculating
I have every reason to believe
You always know what you're saying
Though without intent to deceive
You are intelligent
Like a player of chess
You seem to plan your next move
Some three or four moves ahead
You are decisive
I see it in your eyes
In your rare moments of stammer
I sense you feel caught by surprise
You are mysterious
Never failing to intrigue
Weaving together your thoughts
There's so much you're able to conceive
You are ravishing
Outside and in
Whenever I look at you
There's a quieting of my mind's din
You are inviting
A warm calmness you possess
Just thinking of you
Enables my soul to rest
By: T. J. Christoff ©
For: You